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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"They're baaaack!"

Greetings Starfighters:

Well the day is upon us once again! Time to don your tin-foil hats, and break out the P.K.E. meter, it’s Tuesday and that means a brand-spankin’-new episode of THE INVISIBLE WORLD! Tonight on TIW68, we talk about a man building a nuclear reactor in his kitchen, a new material that heals itself, saucers joyriding over Hong Kong, but most importantly, today marks the triumphant return of the CAMPFIRE segment!

Yessir/mam/gender-neutral! I had received a few emails asking for us to bring it back, and it has bee broughtten! For you newer listeners, back when the show was in it’s older, longer format, we would devote the last show of every month to listener stories. You guys would email me your true tales of the unexplained either from your lives or stories that have been passed on to you, and we would read them on the air, comment, try to offer suggestions, make bad jokes, etc. It was loads of fun, but with the truncated show-time, there was just too much news every week to keep it going.

From time to time, I will be throwing some of your stories in to the mix. The whole point of this show is to try and piece together a better picture of the invisible world, a world of the unexplained, with each story being another piece of the puzzle. Your stories are just as important as any break through in toothpaste technology, or disk hovering over Saskatchewan.

So send me your stories! Id love to read them! If you would like them to be read on the air, please indicate so, otherwise I’d just be interested in reading them, period.

So, that said, tonight we have some real doozies! For your viewing pleasure however, here is a video to go along with one of tonight’s top news stories;


Not as clear as that London vid from a few weeks ago, but probably a bit less…well, questionable.

And be sure to check out the round table discussion from Paranormal Eh? that I was on this past weekend. Thank you again to Terry Konig for putting it together, and "Extreme Paranormal"s Nathan Schoonover, also a guest on the show. I had an absolutly brilliant time, rambling as I was...


Well, that’s all about it for this week’s blog! I am tremendously excited for tonight’s show! Just a few more hours to go.

Talk to you later!

1 comment:

  1. That round table was great - I loved hearing about real science and the movies I love!
