TIW Link


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Don't you call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease!"

Hey guys!
Here are the show notes for TIW46, which goes live in just one hour!

First the unholy marriage of protocol and astromech droid.  Feast your eyes on the face of your destruction!  Kidding aside, this is truly the future.  Now all we need are flying cars…

Robonaut 2

Next up, here is the video of that Fresno, CA UFO sighting I will be mentioning on the show tonight. 

UFO sighting in Fresno

now look at this link.  Similar feel to the sighting, yes?  The site is in Spanish, but check out the photograph.

and the accompanying video

Ill be posting more over the next few days, check back in for updates and new stories!
Talk to you in an hour!

***UPDATE***  Whew!  Another amazing show, thanks to Daniel Reiser and all of you!   As mentioned in tonight's "final thought", I would love to hear your opinions on disclosure and governmental policy.  Start the ball rolling in the comments session, and talk to you all next week!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bigfoot keeps me up at night.

Blog notes
Hey everybody!
So its nearly nine on a windy Wednesday night, and I am gearing up for another awesome episode of TIW.  That’s right folks, The Invisible World has finally moved it’s date and time to it’s new permanent home.  Tune in every WEDNESDAY at 11:00pm (et) for all the paranormal hoopla!
So just a few nuggets that I ran across in my virtual travels across the interwebs;
Psychic cancled due to unforeseen circumstances, the comedy writes itself
Those of you who are listening to, or have listened to the show this week (TIW45) heard me play this already, now you can listen to it on your own keen sound systems, blasting sasquatch to ridiculous decibels.  Enjoy your big-foot noises:
Also, speaking of our soon-to-be robot overlords, here is a topic we will be discussing tonight.  Thanks to Engadget for the vid;
Finally, this is not paranormal at all, but no less amazing.
Talk to you all in two hours!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jersey kids on a joy-ride? The Jerusalem Hoax...


Here is a link to a Youtube video of all three entries.  They have apparently been synched up so that you can see the three different reports simultaneously.  Yeah, this is probably a hoax as you likely just heard me say on the program, but stranger things have happened. 

One interesting thing I noticed was the similarity in one of the videos to the lights over Morristown New Jersey from about two years back.  First the full frame video (check 0:27):

Then our friends accross the river:

Which was apparently debunked,

...or was it?

Curiouser and curioser...
